Department of Mathematics was started in the year 1984. Since its inception, it is associated with all major departments, as Mathematics is being taught from 1st to 7th semester of all streams. The Department has a separate Library which stacked necessary reference and text books for the benefit of staff and students.

About the Department

Department of Mathematics was started in the year 1984. Since its inception, it is associated with all major departments, as Mathematics is being taught from 1st to 7th semester of all streams. The Department has a separate Library which stacked necessary reference and text books for the benefit of staff and students. The department offers M.Phil and Ph.D programmes on regular and part time basis. Presently the department has 14 faculty members. All are well qualified and most of them have more than 10 years of experience.

Apart from imparting knowledge to the students, the department involves in encouraging young staff to do research and motivate them to have innovative ideas in teaching. The department along with other Science and Humanities department organizes conferences every year. Eminent scholars from other universities/ colleges are being invited periodically to conduct seminars.

The department, in Dec 2014 had organized an FDP for the benefit faculty members in Bharath University. The department, in collaboration with other science and humanity departments has organized conferences at national as well as international levels for eleven times. In the year 2015 a two day national conference was organized during 20, 21 March 2015.

The new Board of Studies in Mathematics has been constituted during 2014-2015 under the Chairmanship, Dr.A.Pandurangan and with two external members, Dr.S.Ponnusamy, Head, ISI Chennai and Dr.S.Standley Sahayaraj, Associate Manager, HCL Chennai. The first meeting was held on 21.04.2015 to revise the syllabi of various courses offered by Department of Mathematics for UG and PG programs.

Name Designation
Dr. A. Pandurangan Chairman
Faculty Members
Dr. N. Ramya Member
Dr. R. Deepa Member
Mr. R. Krishna Kumar Member
Ms. G.Subashini Member
External Members
Prof. S.Ponnusamy
Head, Indian Statistical Institute, Chennai
Academic Expert
Dr. S. Standley Sahayaraj
Associate Manager, HCL Chennai
Industrial Expert
Number of Ph.Ds awarded to scholars 5
Number of Ph.D scholars on roll 6
Number of M.Phil scholars on roll 20
Paper presentation in conference 29
Research articles published in National Journals 15
Research articles published in International Journals 30
DateEvents Details
20th March 2015 CONVERGENCE 2015 - A National Conference
DateEvents Details
June 2019 Faculty Development Programme on “Mathematical Modeling and Statistical Analysis”
November 2018 Faculty Development Programme on “Mathematics for Communication and Signal Processing”
04th-05th Decemeber 2014Faculty Development Program on Computing with MS-Office
Faculty Development Programme
DateEvents Details
May 2019 Introduction to Biophysics
November 2018 An effective teaching pedagogy
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